When running the engine, the water pump was weeping just a little. That’s to be expected but the more I ran it, the more it leaked so a new water pump seemed to be in order.

I drained and removed the radiator, then amazingly, all the water pump bolts loosened up. I then removed the thermostat housing as well. I thought checking the thermostat was a good idea. I did the classic test, I heated some water on the stove and watched the temperature. Sure enough just after the water hit 185 degrees, it opened just fine.
I ordered the pump from O’Rielly’s along with a gasket. Turns out there are two pumps for this engine so it took a second try to get the pump with the longer neck. I’m guessing it’s due to the pulley position and not having AC or power steering.
New hoses, a new coat of paint on the pump, pulley and fan and it looked as good as new. Plus it didn’t leak. What a boring post, eh?

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